An open letter to outsourcing service providers

Dear Service Providers,

I’m worried about you. I realize that, as an industry, you keep growing, and you have bazillions of employees. You invest heavily in enterprise technology, and you often know what you are talking about, even if you are not the best at articulating it. You work very hard to win new business, and you are good at expanding your presence once you do. Many of you even genuinely care about your clients’ success.

And yet, I am deeply concerned for your future as a whole. And that means I am concerned for mine, since without you, I don’t get a paycheck. It has been more than 12 years since I was in your shoes, so I am not going to tell you how to run your business, but I am going to tell you what it looks like from this jaded advisors’ point of view:

I realize I may be overgeneralizing. Many of you achieve admirable accomplishments for your clients every day. But, as an industry, this is how you look. You can do better. You must do better. I hope you will join me in a dialogue about how we can change the course of our industry.


Esteban Herrera