Firefox for Android version 41 makes it easier to switch search engines, manage bookmarks

Firefox for Android is getting a nice bundle of powerful features to enable a better browsing experience on Android smartphones and tablets.

Version 41 allows you to quickly choose among different search providers so you can try out some of the alternatives to Google.

Also, Mozilla promises improved box-shadow rendering performance and an easier-to-use bookmark manager that will spot duplicates. If you’re using a tablet, you can now swipe to dismiss a tab.

You should also be able to launch some links directly in an app by using Android’s Intents feature. For example if you touch a tweet, you’d have the ability to go into a Twitter app.

You can check out the full changelog from Mozilla. Firefox 41 is rolling out in the Play Store.

Why this matters: One advantage of Android is that anybody can build a separate browser. So you’re free to try out Firefox, Opera, or others instead of Chrome if that suits your fancy. While iOS does allow third-party browsers, they’re forced to use Safari’s rendering engine, limiting the amount of customization others can provide.


Derek Walter