Edward Snowden's defection occurred during Inglis' tenure as Deputy Director of NSA, and as such, Inglis was extremely involved in overseeing the investigation incident and mitigation of the resulting damage. Inglis states that Snowden was indiscriminate in his release of information, and is full of rage. When asked to comment on why Snowden has not released any documents about Russian or Chinese domestic surveillance efforts, which are plentiful throughout NSA, and would have been readily available to Snowden while he was at NSA, Inglis stated that Snowden lacks any courage to speak up about any concerns while he might be held accountable.
Inglis stated that Snowden never expressed any concerns that he supposedly had while working at NSA, and that it is consistent that he would not express any concerns about Chinese or Russian domestic or international surveillance while he was beholden to those countries.
Snowden and journalist Glenn Greenwald have been contacted for comment, however there has been no response. See the video of Inglis' interview below.
Ira Winkler and Araceli Treu Gomes can be reached through their websites at www.securementem.com and www.irarireport.com