Google shines the light on upstart titles with new Indie games corner

It’s tough for independent game makers to break out of the long shadow cast by large companies who crank out blockbuster hits with big marketing budgets.

But often times they produce the best games. A new Google Play section called the Indie Corner highlights those, though the collection is pretty small for now. The feature is part of several new gamer-friendly initiatives that Google is showing off at the Game Developers Conference.

We also learned more about the trial run ads, which let you play a game right in Google search via streaming to see if it's worth a download. The time you can try out a game got bumped up to ten minutes, which should help you really get a feel for if a game is worth it.

As part of the announcement there were several other developer tools, such as better advertising targeting and support for portrait video ads. Google says 80 percent of video ad views on the company's display network are from devices held vertically.

Additionally, there’s a new video recording API to simplify the process of recording videos of your gameplay and sharing it to sites like YouTube.

The impact on you: The trial feature is a great way to find out if a game is worth grabbing. Sometimes you can’t really tell the quality of a title from screenshots alone, and it’s easy to get distracted away from playing a game if it takes too long to download. We’ll have to see how many devs jump on board this concept and if it leads to new discoveries.


Derek Walter