If you haven't already been turned on to the effortlessness of a device buyback service, now's the time to consider it. It will solve both issues above and requires very little physical movement or thought on your part. They send you an empty box, you chuck in your device, and they send you cash. It sure beats waiting in an empty parking lot with pepper spray to see if that Craigslist guy is legit. With a device buyback service you know exactly what you're getting, you don't leave your house, and it costs you nothing.
We've partnered with MyPhonesUnlimited to offer you a buyback service literally one click away from where you're at right now. If you're curious, hop on over, and in roughly 30 seconds you'll know exactly how much cash you could be receiving. I should mention that this is not limited to iOS devices.
In immaculate condition you might be surprised by how much your device is worth. Even if it's scratched, cracked, or smashed -- in most cases you'll still get cash. So check it out, and put a few more bucks in your wallet for when those new models drop.