IDG Enterprise editors predict IT trends for 2016

As 2015 winds down and we start to focus on 2016, one thing can be predicted quite easily. Analysts, editors and others will start making their own predictions about what we can expect in the upcoming year.

We’re no different here at IDG Enterprise – we asked some of the top editors from the IDG enterprise brands (Computerworld, Network World,, CSO) to take a few minutes out of their busy day to predict a few trends for enterprise IT in 2016.

The video above shows their final predictions, which includes trends in cloud computing, security, the Internet of Things, wireless, big data/analytics, and mobile devices. We even have one prediction about the 2016 presidential election (a campaign issue, not a prediction of who will win).

Special thanks to John Gallant, Bob Brown, Ken Mingis, Joan Goodchild and Dan Muse for offering up their predictions for this video.

Let us know what you think, or offer some of your own predictions for 2016 in the comments!


Keith Shaw