Internet of things and Azure headline Microsoft Build

The Internet of things will get considerable airing at Microsoft's Build developer conference this week, with the company planning to detail both its vision and architecture for the large-scale connected-devices concept. Microsoft's Azure cloud platform is key to the company's plans.

A recent Microsoft Internet of things blog post laid out the company's focus. "Microsoft Build Developer Conference in in San Francisco will bring our vision for IoT to the thousands of developers ... so they can take advantage of the major advances across our platforms, from Azure IoT services, to Windows 10 and beyond."

A session on Microsoft's vision for IoT will be led by Sam George, Microsoft's partner director for Azure IoT, and Steve Teixeira, Microsoft director for program management for IoT. Kevin Miller, principal program manager for Azure IoT, will hold a session providing an overview of Microsoft's IoT architecture.

The schedule also includes an on-demand session, "Connecting Your Devices to the Azure IoT Suite," showing developers how to use the suite to connect devices and deal with data. A session on IoT security fundamentals will cover "new thinking" about security and best practices, and another on-demand session focuses on designing a global-scale telemetry on Azure Event Hubs, for handling billions of events per day.

The project will get attention at Build, according to a Microsoft Open Technologies blog post by Microsoft's Brian Benz. " is an open source project created by Microsoft Open Technologies to help you get tiny devices connected to Microsoft Azure, and to implement great IoT solutions taking advantage of Microsoft Azure advanced analytic services, such as Azure Stream Analytics and Azure Machine Learning," the project's GitHub page states.

Aside from IoT, Mobile apps and Office 365 will get an airing as well, Benz said. "We'll discuss use cases for Objective-C, Android Studio, and Cordova," in an Office 365 session, he said. "This demo-heavy session will get you comfortable setting up your project in your favorite environment, arranging authentication with Azure AD, and calling Office 365 APIs including those for Outlook, Files, and OneNote."

Microsoft also will conduct a session on deploying complex open source workloads on Azure, according to Benz. "We'll be covering scenarios involving .Net on Linux (using containers); multipoint LAMP stack deployments; Tomcat to Azure Cloud Services; Hadoop (HDInsight) with Kafka, Storm, and HBase; and a few others we will be able to talk about once the conference is underway."


Paul Krill