iOS 9 now on two-thirds of Apple's iPhones, iPads & iPod touches

Apple's iOS 9 software for its iPhones, iPads and iPod touch devices is now on 66% of those products, which means the new edition of iOS is off to a faster adoption rate than last year's iOS 8.

The software was released in mid-September, and adoption is up from 52% shortly after that. Apple said in early November last year that iOS 8 was on 56% of devices after being released in mid-September. One reason for iOS 9's fast adoption is that it takes up less space on devices, so is more easily downloaded.

Apple's iOS 9 has brought support for 3D Touch, multitasking and performance/storage/energy consumption improvements.

Of course, not all iOS 9 features have been met with a universally warm reception. Some have complained that the on-by-default Wi-Fi Assist feature has been chewing up their data allotments by switching from Wi-Fi to cellular connectivity willy-nilly, and a class action lawsuit has even been filed against Apple over it.

New this week is Apple's release to developers of the second iOS 9.2 beta version, which includes support for AT&T's NumberSync Wi-Fi calling service on Macs. Other enhancements are more under the hood, and are aimed at boosting performance and fixing bugs.

In other iOS-related news, Microsoft is seeking beta testers for a version of its Cortana personal assistant technology for iOS. So just in case Siri isn't doing it for you...

MORE: iOS 9 gets its first jailbreak, one month after release


Bob Brown