
Microsoft Licensing Pay Now or Pay More Later

24.10.2002 von Laura DiDio
Microsoft hat sein neues Lizenzmodell durchgesetzt. Trotzdem halten sich viele Unternehmen nach wie vor zurück. Die Yankee Group sieht gute Chancen, günstigere Verträge auszuhandeln, als die Lizenz es vorsieht.

Microsoft's new Licensing Program 6.0 is now in effect, and contrary to what may be the popular perception, most corporate customers did not upgrade by the deadline.

It is crucial that organizations grasp the intricacies of the new licensing program to negotiate a deal that makes the best sense for the company. Corporations that fail to perform due diligence risk losing significant corporate IT dollars and place their organizations at risk for noncompliance.

The Microsoft Licensing Program 6.0 favors corporations that purchase in high volume and those that regularly upgrade every two to three years. Businesses that upgrade less frequently - every four to six years - and are not on the most current version of Microsoft software can expect to pay significantly higher premiums.

Depending on how far behind they are on their current product offerings, and subject to the terms, conditions, and volume of their existing Select and Enterprise Agreements, organizations could find their software costs rising by anywhere from 20% to 100%. That is according to the latest Sunbelt Software, Inc./Yankee Group poll of more than 1,500 IT professionals worldwide. That figure does not include any incremental charges and penalties a company may incur due to licensing noncompliance issues!

Companies whose current licensing contracts will expire in calendar year 2002 will be immediately affected by the sweeping changes in the Licensing Program 6.0.

The Yankee Group's recommendation is straightforward: Regardless of your company's size, you can negotiate better deals. With scant days to go before the new program launches, the best deals are going . . . going . . . but not gone. Businesses will never have a better opportunity than right now to negotiate with Microsoft. Corporations that perform their due diligence, address software noncompliance issues and thoroughly prepare for contract negotiations stand a very good chance of winning concessions and price reductions.

Der vollständige Bericht ist bei der Yankee Group erhältlich.