Optus Business to leverage Cisco's Intercloud

Optus Business is set to leverage Cisco's Intercloud as part of the company's broader Cloud and datacentre strategy.

Cisco Intercloud technology will provide Optus customers with the ability to manage and access their workloads across multiple private and public clouds in a diverse environment, whilst giving customers choice and flexibility to place their workloads where it benefits the most and according to a technical or business need.

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Optus Business managing director, John Paitaridis, said customers were focused on improving efficiency and productivity.

"They don't want to be locked in to an off--the-shelf cloud service," he said.

"They want flexibility to adopt a tailored cloud strategy specific to their business needs,"

He said by being a part of the Intercloud, customers could now instigate a cloud workload strategy that worked for them without multiple vendor management or security concerns.

"The move extends Optus Business' end-to-end ICT offerings and best-of-breed networking service capabilities to provide customers a single-service ICT provider," he said.

"Today's announcement forms a part of our broader Cloud and Data Centre strategy, with this being the first of several announcements Optus Business will make in the next few months."

Cisco director global service provider, Jonathon Dixon, said, Optus Business had always been a strong partner of Cisco in Australia.

"By becoming an Intercloud provider Optus Business will be well placed to manage the ever increasing cloud service demands of their customers."

Optus Business has also joined the Federal Government's Cloud Services Provider's panel.

The panel is the main vehicle to increase uptake of cloud services and enable Government to deliver services more efficiently, as well as provide services that are more responsive to business and community needs.

Paitaridis said, "Optus Business is pleased to confirm our inclusion on the panel.

"Our addition to the panel is a demonstration of the strength of our Cloud capability, that enables customers, such as large Government organisations and agencies, to deliver more efficient and responsive services to citizens or their own customers," he said.

Optus will also provide the specialist transition services to migrate customers into the company's Cloud."


Brian Karlovsky