Record and share your mobile gaming adventures with Google Play Games update

Google Play Games now makes it pretty simple to record and share your mobile gaming action.

With the latest update, you’re able to launch a recording session right from the Google Play Games app. You can record it in 480p or 720p and add in your own commentary with your device’s front facing camera.

The concept is very similar to the recording capabilities recently baked into the YouTube Gaming app. The advantage with the Play Games integration is that you have a centralized hub for finding a game and launching a recording session.

I put the app to work by recording a session with Pac-Man 256:

You can wait for the latest version to hit the Google Play Store, or skip the line and grab it from APK Mirror.

Why this matters: While this may feel like duplication of service, it’s another avenue for Google to get more gamers to try out sharing their videos to YouTube. Android has lagged behind iOS in years past when it came to getting all the top titles to launch on Google’s platform. But these streaming and social features may convince more gamers and developers to opt for Android.


Derek Walter