The typically-reliable Evan Blass took to VentureBeat to detail a string of rumors about HTC’s next flagship. He said the handset, codenamed Perfume and to be sold as the M10, would be a 5.1-inch phone with a 1440 x 2560 Quad HD display that runs Android 6.0.1 with HTC’s Sense 8.0 UI.
HTC has struggled with cameras recently, so it appears to be making a bigger push in this department by packing in a 12 UltraPixel resolution shooter with laser-assisted autofocus. Both the front-facing and back cameras are said to get optical image stabilization. The UltraPixel technology is unique to HTC, which says each enlarged pixel on the imaging sensor can capture over 300 percent more light than a traditional camera.
The device should also include a fingerprint scanner, embedded in a home button below the display as in Samsung's Galaxy line. The phone is also to run Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820 with Adreno 530 graphics. Other specs include 4GB of RAM and 23GB of available internal storage (likely the amount left over on a 32GB device after accounting for the OS and bundled software). MicroSD expansion will also be available.
The report didn’t indicate the aesthetics of the device, though HTC has a pretty consistent design scheme. Recently the One A9 took a lot of heat for looking very similar to the iPhone, which HTC may be wise to try and avoid this time around.
Why this matters: HTC hasn’t had a huge hit in a long while, and it could sure use one with the M10. If HTC can build a phone with great specs, a nice camera, and stick to a consistent update schedule then it could make for a compelling option. Right now Samsung has shown to build top-of-the-line hardware, but the pitiful update track record could give some buyers a reason to look elsewhere when it’s time for their next phone.