Report: Live support app with screen sharing is coming to Nexus devices

Google may be putting a friendlier face on its customer support efforts. A new report suggests the company is building a live support app that would let you share your screen with tech support to better resolve problems.

The app is referred to as Google Support, though not a lot is known about it right now. Even the screenshot is a mockup:

Google already offers telephone and chat support for Nexus devices, but this would offer another level of assistance to help those who run into a problem. 

You may also have noticed those on-screen navigation buttons look different. Another rumor indicates Google may be going with a different design, opting for filled-in icons instead of outlines, and a home button sporting Google's four colors. It all looks a little odd right now, so let’s hope this is a work-in-progress.

Why this matters: One of the advantages of an iPhone is you can walk into an Apple Store and get hands-on support. Samsung has also branched out in this area with dedicated support staff inside Best Buy stores. If Google wants its Nexus line to have wider appeal beyond tech enthusiasts, this may be a route it needs to go down.


Derek Walter