Steam's selling all four Mad Max movies alongside new Mad Max game

Avalanche’s Mad Max game (which runs like a champ) isn’t the Road Warrior’s only new appearance on Steam. To coincide with the launch of the game—and push Steam’s theatrical ambitions into the spotlight—all four Mad Max movies have touched down on Valve’s gaming platform. Yes, even Mad Max: Fury Road, which made its small-screen debut just yesterday.

“Steam is the ideal place to launch both the fantastic new title from Avalanche as well as the full collection of films together,” Warner Bros. president Jim Wuthrich said in a press release.

If Mel Gibson’s the only post-apocalyptic hero in your heart, Road Warrior, Beyond Thunderdome, and the original Mad Max film will each set you back $15. Fury Road is $20, while Avalanche’s open-world Mad Max game costs $60. If you want to go all-in, Steam also sells the game with all the movies in a $106.20 bundle, which shaves roughly $19 off the cost of buying all the individual titles separately.

Prices may vary in Canada, Russia, Brazil, South Korea and much of Europe, where the movies are also available.

The story behind the story: “As Steam’s library of games and movies continue to grow, the Mad Max game and film anthology represent major offerings for the platform” Valve’s Doug Lombardi said in a press release, and that’s no joke. While Valve’s quietly expanded Steam’s cinematic offerings to more than 100 films after introducing the first fictional title in March, the vast majority are documentaries and B-list films. The Mad Max series is easily the gem of Valve’s nascent film collection.

You have to watch Kung Fury though. That glorious love letter to 80s action flicks is well worth spending a half hour of your life on—and unlike the Mad Max flicks, it’s utterly free.


Brad Chacos