Todoed makes creating task lists as easy as a right-click

Making a to-do list is like exercise. You know you should do it, but sometimes it's just too much trouble. I can't help you with your workouts, but I recently came across a new Chrome extension (that also works in Opera) called Todoed that takes the pain out of creating to-do lists.

You still have to create your own list, but with this extension you just need to know how to highlight text to get organized.

Here's how it works.

Highlight and right-click

First, you have to head to the Chrome Web Store and install Todoed. The extension is currently in alpha and is scheduled to switch over to beta in May. However, it works well even at this early stage.

Once the extension is installed you're ready to roll. You should see the Todoed icon--a dark circle with a check mark--appear in your browser.

To add new items you can click on the icon and enter in text. But the real magic happens without the need for any typing at all. Let's say you get an email from your boss asking you to send those TPS reports by Friday.

Highlight the text "send the TPS reports by Friday" and then right-click. You should see an option that says Add to Todoed. Select that and choose Assign to myself and you're done.

After a few seconds you should see the counter on the Todoed icon move from zero to one.

Click on the icon and it will show your outstanding to-do tasks. Todoed will create a new task from any text you can highlight in the browser.

That's all you really need to know to get Todoed working for yourself. The app also has some team features that allow you to add other users, who you can then assign tasks to.

To dive into the more advanced options, click on the Todoed icon in the browser and then select Open Full List in the upper right hand corner of the drop-down menu.

Here you'll see the complete interface, where you can add users, view notifications, check out completion statistics, and peruse the app's settings.

Todoed is only for Chrome and Opera right now, but the team behind Todoed told me that mobile apps for Android and iOS are also in the works. As for Firefox, there are no firm plans yet.


Ian Paul