

A Sordid Tale

Zur IT-Sicherheit gehört das Vertrauen der Anwender in die eigenen Fachleute. Allzu leicht können unbedarfte User in haarige Situationen manövriert werden, berichtet der anonyme Autor.

Quelle: CSO, USA

I HAVE A PARANOID security team. Which is good.

I also have paranoid users who don't trust security people. Which is not so good.

I discovered this when a coworker came into my office, red in the face, eyes puffy and obviously greatly upset.

"What on earth is the problem?" I asked in my best official-yet-caring management voice.

Between sobs, she explained that, a week earlier, she had gotten an e-mail about the upcoming Summer Olympics in Greece. Since her nephew was hoping to be on the U.S. track team, my coworker was hoping to learn something that might help him. It took a while for a webpage to open up, but when it did, she read all about Greece and the Olympics.

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