Rasierapparate und Handys im Restmüll? Damit soll Schluss sein. In wenigen Wochen müssen Händler Elektrogeräte zurücknehmen, auch große wie Waschmaschinen.… mehr
Die Foto-Plattform Pinterest hat offiziell die Marke von 100 Millionen Nutzern geknackt. mehr
Im Streit um die Herausgabe geheimer US-Ausspähziele in Europa hat die Opposition Verfassungsklage eingereicht. mehr
Apple hat die Auslieferung einer neuen Version des Betriebssystems für seine Computeruhr wegen eines noch vorhandenen Fehlers in der Software verschoben. mehr
"Durchgeknallt", ist ein Wort, das oft fällt, wenn es um John McAfee geht. In den 80er Jahren war er einer der ersten Computerviren-Jäger, wurde… mehr
Europa hat ein weiteres Startup mit Milliarden-Bewertung. Investoren schätzten den Wert des französischen Mitfahrdienstes BlaBlaCar bei einer neuen Geldspritze… mehr
One major highlight of iOS 8 was HealthKit, a framework designed to centralize the health information collected by the third-party apps you use. But there was… mehr
Sony has decided to bring HDR ( High Dynamic Range) support to more of its latest 4K TVs. The company had originally planned to deliver the much-talked-about… mehr
Stipends are a way for businesses to reimburse employees for a portion of their wireless costs and, if implemented properly, address these common issues:… mehr
There are lies, damn lies ... and technology industry studies. mehr
When businesses are hit by noticeable distributed denial-of-service attacks, three-quarters of the time those attacks are accompanied by another security… mehr
Online poker malware lets players cheat by getting a peek at cards held by opponents whose machines have been infected. mehr
One of the challenges of shifting to a new cloud storage provider is a very practical one: Uploading a lifetime’s worth of data… mehr
Microsoft may have just a single-digit slice of the mobile market, but there's one segment of mobile that it's winning: Malware infections delivered… mehr
Can't get enough Facebook mehr
Apple’s latest announcements for its mobile ecosystem had plenty to do with the enterprise: It announced a dedicated for-work tablet in the form of the iPad… mehr
Most of the references to technology in the so-called main-stage GOP debate Wednesday night were around protecting U.S. borders. There were calls for drones,… mehr
Members of the Russian military have been receiving well-crafted phishing emails since mid-summer from attackers that use Chinese-language tools and Chinese… mehr
Amazon Web Services today launched a new, less-expensive flavor of its cloud-based object storage service meant for data that is infrequently accessed (IA). mehr
SunEdison has announced it's supplying lithium-ion batteries for nine prototype homes in California that will be fully-powered by renewable energy. mehr
Google appears to be renaming its Google Glass effort and expanding its work on wearables. mehr
With iOS 9, Apple replaced Newsstand with the new News app. It puts all your news reading in one convenient place. If you want to learn more about News before… mehr
Imagine a government program that helps add over a trillion dollars of value to the economy every year, reduces fraudulent and wasteful government spending,… mehr
Enterprises going through mergers and acquisitions reap the benefits of new products and other assets, but they also acquire all of the threat vectors that… mehr
Apple wants one more shot at clearing its name of e-book antitrust violations. mehr
It’s been 24 hours since Apple dropped the official release of iOS 9, and the adoption rate of this new operating system is a little more than 12 percent,… mehr
Even though iOS 9 is not a drastic software update, there are a ton of subtle tweaks and changes that’ll make iPhone users jump up with joy. Watch the video… mehr
Fällt es Ihnen schwer Business-Kontakte zu pflegen oder gar neu zu knüpfen? Dann versuchen Sie es mit Apps. Wir präsentieren Ihnen die besten Helfer für Ihr… mehr
Sometimes it’s the little tweaks that can make a big difference. That’s the case with Google Sheets and Slides, which are getting a couple of new features that… mehr
er Vorstandschef des Software-Konzerns SAP, Bill McDermott, ist laut eigener Aussage nach einem schweren Unfall wieder einsatzfähig. mehr
Google announced at the Tokyo Game Show that it’s bringing live game streaming to Android devices, courtesy of its YouTube Gaming service. mehr
If you’re picking up an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus at your local Sprint or T-Mobile store on September 25, you might be able to accessorize with an Apple Watch, too. mehr
CIO Gerd Niehage vom Autozulieferer aus Lippstadt lebt und arbeitet seit 2008 in China. Von Shanghai aus hat er Hella eine virtuelle IT-Organisation verpasst. mehr
While anti-virus firm AVG congratulates itself over a new easy-to-read privacy policy, users are up in arms over what that policy spells out. mehr
One of the nicest additions to Windows 8 was its robust support for multiple monitors, including the ability to easily set separate, individual wallpapers for… mehr
Zeppelin Baumaschinen hat am Benchmark zur Anwenderzufriedenheit teilgenommen. Thorsten Schlingmann, Projektleiter Unternehmensentwicklung &… mehr
Juniper Networks has allied with Aerohive Networks to offer cloud-managed Wi-Fi with it switches, an alternative to Cisco’s Meraki cloud-based WLAN product. mehr
Microsoft unterhält eine ganze Reihe kaum bekannter Software-Labore. Dabei sind die Tools aus diesen Labs oft ganz besonders interessant. Wir stellen hier die… mehr
Xbox One users who are itching to try the upcoming Windows 10-inspired software overhaul can now reserve their spot. mehr
Microsoft says Send is off to a rousing start since it introduced the new email-based messaging app nearly two months ago. To keep that momentum going,… mehr
Search queries on Microsoft's Bing in the U.S. last month increased by 1%, a slow start to what a company manager predicted would be a big boost delivered… mehr
IT salaries are on the rise, one sign of a continuingly competitive hiring environment. mehr
Amazon took the wraps off no fewer than seven products today: two new media streamers, four new tablets, and a new tablet operating system, Fire OS 5. The… mehr
Apple's iOS 9 was released on Wednesday, and I wasted no time checking out the enhancements. The following three features in the new OS are among the most… mehr
Containers offer a quick and easy way to package up applications and all their dependencies, and are popular with testing and development. mehr
Many companies aim to get as much nonpaid website traffic from Google search results pages as possible. But is that putting all the eggs in one basket Is there… mehr
Technology companies and other big businesses aren't the only ones tapping into the startup community for technological advantages. Sports organizations… mehr
Apple and Microsoft were founded less than a year apart in the mid-1970s. In the following years the companies went through multiple cycles of partnership and… mehr
Cloud storage services have alleviated many complications for users, but convenient access to those files often comes with an entirely different set of… mehr
Call it anti-tracking and privacy software, bandwidth-reduction management, or ad blocking. By whatever name, it’s popular in desktop operating systems like… mehr
Google Drive sure can clutter up quickly. It’s my go-to for everything when it comes to productivity, but even with Google’s search prowess baked in, there are… mehr
Making Hadoop data more accessible has become a common goal in the world of enterprise software, and on Thursday a brand-new contender jumped into the ring. mehr
One of the most frequent irritations you may encounter, even on sites you otherwise explicitly want to have ads load, because you want every penny of their ad… mehr
How do you take one of Android's best phones and make it even more enticing mehr
Backing up a Mac with a terabyte or two of internal storage poses no particular challenge. (For Macworld’s recommended backup strategies, see Backup basics,… mehr
No, M.2 (pronounced M-dot-two) is not a government spy organization or secret project. It’s a small-form-factor (SFF) multi-purpose connector designed to… mehr