IT Measurement - Desk Reference
Finally, the seventh lesson is that a measurement system does not run itself. A measurement program comprises many processes, which need continuous oversight, direction, review, and at times, improvement.
Measurement Principles
META Group has created a set of principles to guide the creation of successful measurement practices. These are based on the lessons learned from experience and the observation of good industry practices.
Ensure That Measurement Supports Accomplishment
Performance information delivery practices must be developed to support accomplishment. A value-focused program is based on a different model from a purely measurement-focused program.
Therefore, the program's designers should shift their thinking away from a measurement program and to an accomplishment program -- a program designed to accomplish specific improvements.
Embrace the Evolution
Since any measurement system will need to evolve quickly, particularly during the early stages of design, implementation, and operation to meet changing management needs and increasing sophistication, the system's developers should learn to work with that evolution rather than against it.