
Business English - mit Übersetzungen

Networking wird Pflicht - zum Wohl der Firma

Von Carrie Mathews
CIOs nehmen immer häufiger zusätzliche Aufgaben wahr: in Vorständen und Gremien von Universitäten, Hochschulen und anderen Einrichtungen. Das kostet viel Zeit, kann aber bei der Talentsuche zur Goldgrube werden. Die wichtigsten Wörter im Artikel haben wir für Sie übersetzet.
Jeff Steinhorn, CIO energy company Hess: "Professors know who I am and often contact me or have their top students reach out for job possibilities."
Jeff Steinhorn, CIO energy company Hess: "Professors know who I am and often contact me or have their top students reach out for job possibilities."

CIOs are increasingly eager to put their business strategy and governance knowledge to good use by serving on external boards of directors. Their reasons - personal and professional growth and benefits to their companies - are well founded, according to TK Kerstetter, president and CEO of Board Member, which publishes Corporate Board Member magazine.

For CIOs, "there is probably no better training than board service to understand all of the challenges that a business has to deal with and to learn about other industries", he says. "CIOs can then take this enhanced knowledge back to their current jobs and organizations."


That’s how it played out for Jeff Steinhorn, CIO at the energy company Hess. Steinhorn serves on two university boards. "Being on these boards has opened up a new personal network for me", he says. These contacts have been a valuable resource that Steinhorn has tapped with his own business-related questions. His board relationship with the universities has also paid dividends in talent recruitment. "Professors know who I am and often contact me or have their top students reach out for job possibilities", he says.

But board directorships are not always bonanzas for CIOs and their companies. They can be disappointing and draining experiences if you don’t go in with clear and realistic expectations. CIO Executive Council members participated in a survey on their board experiences in August 2008, providing several caveats for those seeking a seat in other companies’ boardroom. Your ultimate satisfaction with the board experience depends on two factors: your passion for the organization’s mission and the time you can afford to commit.

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