Der japanische Hersteller Epson hat ein System entwickelt, mit dem direkt im Büro aus altem neues, gebrauchsfähiges Papier produziert werden kann. Es soll… mehr
Für viele Telekom-Kunden blieb am Freitag plötzlich das Internet weg. Ein Server-Ausfall war das Problem. Und da inzwischen auch viele Telefonverbindung mit… mehr
Bei der Briefzustellung will die Deutsche Post verlässlich und schnell sein. Das ist sie aber auch bei Preiserhöhungen. Ab 2016 müssen Briefeschreiber wieder… mehr
Both sides in the fight over net neutrality said they're confident they'll win over a federal appeals court that's hearing legal challenges to… mehr
Amazon has launched an AWS Directory Service for Active Directory, a fully-managed implementation of Microsoft's authentication and user management… mehr
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are working on artificial intelligence software that could one day act like a personal assistant, whispering… mehr
Schnäppchenfreitag and Cyber Monday may be over, but that doesn’t mean the holiday sales are slowing down. mehr
The first tip that something wasn’t quite right about the open-box tablet I had purchased from Fry’s Electronics was that fact that Marvel Contest of… mehr
Microsoft said today it will host next year's Build conference for developers March 30 through April 1. mehr
Privacy issues will likely stay at the forefront of the FTC's focus next year thanks to the commission's appointment of Lorrie Cranor as its new… mehr
Stockings are starting to fill with Marshmallows after a rather long November dry spell with very few Android software updates. The Moto X Pure Edition should… mehr
What started as an informal initiative to allow Progressive employees to propose ideas for new insurance tools and services has blossomed into a full-fledged… mehr
Smartphone usage is likely to be tracked someday soon in the U.S. to determine whether you qualify for a loan or what interest rate lenders should charge. mehr
Drones are one of the hottest things in tech right now, but as well as being fun to play with they can be a menace to airports and a hindrance to firefighters.… mehr
A Russian cyberespionage group known as Pawn Storm has adopted new tools in an ongoing attack campaign against defense contractors with the goal of defeating… mehr
Kompromiss auf der Zielgerade? - Kurz vor der ersten Lesung des umstrittenen WLAN-Gesetzes gehen zumindest die Netzpolitiker der Koalitionsfraktionen auf… mehr
Users of the new Apple TV can now watch live over-the-air channels directly through the set-top box, provided they’re willing to spend another $100 or more on… mehr
Let the year-end roundups begin. Google is fully on board with this phenomenon, back again with the annual list of the best apps and games for the Play Store. mehr
Comcast X1 set-top users can now create custom notifications on their TVs, thanks to a tie-in with IFTTT. mehr
Die RWTH Aachen, Schwetz Consulting und Trovarit haben untersucht, wie zufrieden Unternehmen mit ihren CRM-Installationen sind. Auch wenn das Urteil allgemein… mehr
Android faced many issues when it came to market -- ranging from uneven quality to security to who actually owned the underlying technology. Systematically… mehr
Vimeo has flipped the switch on 4K/UltraHD streaming, following in the footsteps of other online video giants like Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, Vudu, and… mehr
Weihnachten ist Geschenkzeit, auch bei Aus diesem Anlass haben wir ein besonderes Päckchen für Sie zusammengeschnürt. mehr
Alstom Transport hat seine Netzwerk-Infrastruktur an BT ausgelagert. Der Dienstleister soll die Netze von mehr als 300 Standorten in 59 Ländern konsolidieren. mehr
Bendgate is back. But this time it’s not Apple that’s under the gun for flexible iPhones, but Intel for Skylake CPUs bending under pressure. mehr
90 Prozent aller Unternehmen verzeichnen Cyberangriffe. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt der Security Report der Telekom. Gleichzeitig fühlen sich 60 Prozent der… mehr
Now that Apple Music has arrived on Android as a public beta, Apple is finally shuttering its predecessor, Beats Music. But don’t worry: You’ll have a month… mehr
A system for tracking European air passengers is just two votes -- and two years -- away from implementation, after national governments agreed Friday to a… mehr
Die gefährlichsten Seiten im Web sind nicht unbedingt die, die Sie vermuten. Wir zeigen Ihnen, worauf Sie beim täglichen Surfen achten müssen, um wirklich… mehr
Today (Dec. 4), the Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington will hear oral arguments challenging the Federal Communications Commission’s new Internet… mehr
AMD’s Tonga GPU powers some great mainstream Radeon graphics cards, including the R9 380, which we recently hailed as the best card you could get for $200.… mehr
The popular game broadcasting service Twitch has just launched a native app for Android TV. mehr
Das offizielle 007-Smartphone Xperia Z5 soll mit der besten Kamera in einem Smartphone arbeiten. Ist sie tatsächlich so gut? Was das Handy insgesamt zu bieten… mehr
An ongoing attack campaign combines a very effective password stealer, the most widespread exploit kit, called Angler, and the latest version of the infamous… mehr
Aside from Rock Band heading to virtual reality and Double Fine surprise-announcing Psychonauts 2, Shadow Complex was probably the high-point of Thursday… mehr
My Apple Pencil ($99) finally arrived on Thursday, three weeks after I ordered it on Nov. 11. I went right to work using the stylus, drawing annotations on… mehr
The Game Awards had one major surprise in store on Thursday night: Psychonauts 2. It’s (sort of) real. It’s (maybe) happening. It’s (kind of) all up to you now. mehr
Anyone who owned a personal computer in the ‘80s will have fond memories of The Print Shop, the original consumer-centric desktop publishing application.… mehr
Ein IT-Chef in der Chemiebranche verdient durchschnittlich 163.000 Euro im Jahr. Sein Kollege bei einem Möbelhersteller bekommt noch nicht einmal die Hälfte.… mehr
Fast-food chain Sonic is primarily a southern institution, but it’s not planning to stay geographically limited for long. Sonic’s working to bring more of its… mehr
Can you guess which U.S. wireless provider makes its customers the happiest Hint: It's not AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint or T-Mobile. It's a… mehr
According to SophosLabs, Linux/Ransm-C ransomware is one example of the new Linux-based ransomware attacks, which in this case is built into a small command… mehr
Just 10 years ago, audiophiles would have scoffed at the notion that headphones would start to dominate the audio world. Fast forward to today and you’ll find… mehr