The hackers who stole gigabytes of data from Sony Pictures have asked employees of the company to contact them if they don't want their information to… mehr
Reader Graham Lee's iPhone is making its presence a little too well known. He writes: mehr
Next time you strap on a GoPro or other wearable camera, keep in mind that your movement pattern could someday be identified like a fingerprint. mehr
Joint research conducted by CA Technologies and Swinburne University of Technology has led to the invention of a new artificial intelligence process called… mehr
It was a weird, wild year for Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb, the companies that defined the so-called sharing economy and then quickly grew beyond it. mehr
Taxi-app Uber is offering the public free journeys after it was criticised for upping the price of journeys around the area where hostages are currently being… mehr
A one-year extension to a U.S moratorium on Internet access taxes was buried in a US$1.1 trillion government spending bill passed by the Senate on Saturday. mehr
Even though systems such as Hadoop and Spark can grapple with large amounts of data, their tools for analyzing and parsing this information efficiently and in… mehr
T-Mobile CEO John Legere will cozy up to Yahoo Tech's David Pogue during what the carrier is calling its Un-carrier 8.0 event on Tuesday -- a mystery… mehr
Apple and IBM last week kicked off their five-month-old partnership with an "impressive" 10-pack of focused mobile business apps catering to sectors… mehr
The U.S. Department of Justice should back off its request for Microsoft to turn over a suspect's digital documents stored on a server in Ireland, or be… mehr
Call Cosmic DJ a game, call it a toy, here's what it is in objective terms: A 32-beat musical step sequencer programmed to play various synthesizer sounds… mehr
The UK's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is due to hold an inquiry into the failure in air traffic management systems at NATS (National Air Traffic… mehr
Imagine you're a general. You've trained all your life in the arts of war. You see troop movements and terrain and pincer movements and cavalry… mehr
Riverbed Technology is the latest major tech company to bow out of public trading, announcing a $3.6 billion takeover by private equity firm Thoma Bravo on… mehr
Verdi erhöht im Tarifstreit mit Amazon den Druck: Die Gewerkschaft setzt ihre Streiks fort und will dem Versandriesen mit einem Drei-Tage-Ausstand das… mehr
Mit juristischen Drohungen will das Hollywood-Studio Sony Pictures die Flut von Enthüllungen stoppen, nachdem Hacker interne Unterlagen erbeutet hatten. mehr
Apples Computeruhr wird schon vor dem Start mit Vorschusslorbeeren bedacht. Tatsächlich dürfte sich mit ihrem Start nicht nur belegen, wie erfolgreich Apple… mehr
Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) hat nach "Spiegel"-Informationen bei der Datenerfassung in Deutschland nicht nur mit dem US-Geheimdienst NSA… mehr
Alle reden über Smartphones - doch allein im vergangenen Quartal wurden auch noch über 150 Millionen einfache Handys verkauft. Zumindest in diesem Geschäft… mehr
Ein Traum für Weihnachts-Schnäppchenjäger - der Horror für Verkäufer: Wegen eines Softwarefehlers gab es auf der britischen Amazon-Seite kurzfristig… mehr
While the three largest venture capital deals of the year in the technology industry went to consumer-focused startups, most of the other top investments went… mehr
Businesses spend an average of £410,000 per IT failure, but 50 percent of these incidents are "avoidable", according to KPMG research. mehr
An international survey of Internet users has found that more than 39% have taken steps to protect their online privacy and security as a result of spying… mehr
BT Group has entered exclusive talks to buy U.K. mobile operator EE for 12.5 billion pounds (US$19.5 billion), a deal that would help the carrier offer bundles… mehr
Microsoft has flipped the switch on Skype Translator Preview, bringing nearly real-time translation to invitees on Windows 8.1. mehr
Ernst & Young has announced that Sedicii has won the EY Startup Challenge Competition. mehr
Android apps really do use those permissions they ask for to access users' personal information: one online store records a phone's location up to 10… mehr
Time to market is a key driver in many industries, and 3D design tools have helped tremendously by giving developers a better feel for what they are building.… mehr
Intel may have more than just newer Broadwell processors up its sleeve as it revamps its bare-bones NUC PCs. mehr
Like many Windows 10 Preview releases before it, Build 9901 is packed with refinements and new features, such as a central Xbox app, true Cortana virtual… mehr
Chidi Okwara asked why one would choose to partition a hard drive mehr
Here's a neat trick Android users can try: Open up Google Now and tell it to set your Nest thermostat to 70 degrees (it doesn't matter if you… mehr
An ICANN spokesman dismissed accusations that the recent growth in the number of generic top-level domains has caused data breaches, on Thursday. mehr
As natural philosopher and onetime baseball catcher Yogi Berra reportedly said: "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." mehr
Interacting with the future connected car was one of the subjects covered at the Los Angeles Auto Show's Connected Car Expo I attended recently. CCE is… mehr
In what some security experts are calling a "game changer," a Minnesota federal court held Target liable earlier this month for data breach losses… mehr
After Sony Pictures Entertainment's computer network was breached in late November, it appeared the hackers wanted to blackmail the company. mehr
Maybe it's the name, but I expected HTC's Desire Eye to be less expensive. mehr
An executive at a company whose name is synonymous with antivirus software raised eyebrows earlier this year when he pronounced the death of that form of… mehr
When connecting to an enterprise-secured network with Android devices, users are prompted with many settings that could be confusing. When connecting with iOS… mehr
You know it could happen some day: you might lose your iPhone, iPad or laptop. If you've activated Find My iPhone (or the similarly named feature for… mehr
Microsoft didn't seem bothered about another leak of Windows 10. mehr
First things first: You're probably either ambivalent toward the new logo that came with Corsair's rebrand to Corsair Gaming, or you absolutely… mehr
The Razer Kraken Pro isn't new, per se, but this iteration of it certainly is. Like the special version of the Razer Taipan released earlier this year,… mehr
SteelSeries has been a major contender in the headset market for years, thanks to its Siberia V2 headset. The DNA of the V2 still exists in the company's… mehr
The GX Gaming Cavimanus is like the headset version of a concept car. Think of every weird, whiz-bang feature you'd want from a headset, and there's… mehr
With the rise of multiplayer voice chat comes the rise of headsets. This once-luxury peripheral is now about as standard as a mouse and keyboard when it comes… mehr
SteelSeries, Astro, Razer--these are the gorillas of the gaming headset (and gaming peripheral) world. And have been for some time. With that in mind, I can… mehr
If Google doesn't change how it handles users' private data by the end of February, it may face fines of €15 million (about US$18.6 million), the… mehr
The makers of a new non-volatile RAM said the memory is ready to move from a prototype to a fabrication facility, where 1TB chips the size of a postage stamp… mehr
My first car was a truck. While I loved that beat-up, rotary-engined Mazda, I didn't like the question it spurred everyone to ask: "Hey, you own a… mehr
The Australian government has issued a new carrier licence condition declaration for owners of superfast fixed line broadband networks targeting residential… mehr
If you've ever tested a prerelease operating system, you know that each new build brings with it a whole host of changes. And if screenshots of the… mehr
A former Apple engineer on Friday told a federal jury that he worked on a project meant to deny rivals access to the lucrative iTunes digital music and iPod… mehr
Microsoft is sending its Office clip art to the digital beyond, where it shall rest in glory with Clippy, Zune, and the rest of the Redmond saints. mehr
A successful iPhone 6 launch in the U.S. helped Apple increase its share of the smartphone market in the third quarter, but nemesis Samsung Electronics… mehr
There's a new ride-sharing app in town that actually lives up to its name. mehr
Hotel reservation site has offered to settle antitrust cases brought against it in Sweden, France and Italy, and on Monday antitrust authorities… mehr
While the technological world increasingly renders geography meaningless, no one appears to have informed lawmakers of this fact. Data can move easily and… mehr
When Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in September, amid the "oohs" and "ahs," some of us were thinking, "Wow,… mehr
About a year ago, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos made a bold publicity move he sat down for a 60 Minutes interview and showed off the company's planned use of… mehr
A lot of security processes failed during the breach of Target's systems during last year's holiday season, but one surprising revelation was that… mehr
Ride-sharing service UberPop will be banned in France from Jan. 1, a government official said Monday, as Paris taxi drivers blocked traffic around the capital… mehr
Der deutsche Ableger des französischen Mineralölunternehmens hat den CIO-Posten intern nachbesetzt. Cyril de Kergommeaux kommt aus der Zentrale in Paris. mehr
Der niederländische Elektronikkonzern Philips will sich neu erfinden und setzt dabei – anders als Konkurrenz Siemens und GE – auf Privatkonsumenten. Philips… mehr
Mit dem iPhone bekommen Sie nicht nur Facebook und Co. in den Griff. Wir präsentieren die besten Social-Media-Apps für das Apple-Smartphone. mehr
Gleich vier CIOs gingen in diesem Jahr in den Ruhestand. Und die Finanzminister aus den Bundesländern Bayern und Hessen nennen sich jetzt auch CIO. mehr
Schnelle Technik im Auto entscheidet bei der Formel 1 nicht mehr alleine über den Erfolg. Ebenso wichtig ist mittlerweile die IT. Wir hatten die Gelegenheit… mehr