Lighting-control manufacturer Lutron Electronics announced a new remote control for smart light bulbs Friday, offering initial support for Cree and GE Link LED… mehr
The onslaught of tech information is relentless. Stay on top of the latest with PCWorld’s Digital Edition. Available as single copies or as a yearlong… mehr
On Friday, President Obama repeated the need to bring high-tech leaders together with law enforcement and intelligence officials to better spot terrorist… mehr
Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) will die Übernahme von jungen Technologiefirmen (Start-ups) durch etablierte Konzerne erschweren. Das geht nach… mehr
I’m always skeptical about companies that promise to protect you and your family when they run a commercial showing earnest men and woman wearing headsets… mehr
During its 17 months of partnership with Apple, IBM has released 100 iOS apps for industry-specific functions. IBM released 48 new apps this month alone in an… mehr
It may have been easy for Congress on Friday to approve the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), despite past controversy around it. mehr
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) yesterday announced that the anti-identity-theft company LifeLock will pay a record $100 million to settle a contempt… mehr
Facebook’s Messenger app wants to help you pick out who to share your photos with. mehr
Microsoft has furthered its pursuit of enterprise analytics with the acquisition of Metanautix, a company that makes it possible for businesses to pull… mehr
The United Nations' ITU agency has long worked to promote global cooperation in a variety of technical areas, and on Friday it announced its first-ever… mehr
Your next enterprise wireless network might use LTE if Qualcomm and some powerful partners succeed in pushing cellular beyond just mobile operators. mehr
Tens of thousands of secure websites might start to display certificate errors to their visitors in January, when Microsoft plans to stop trusting 20… mehr
Sprint’s LG G4 is joining a very exclusive club: non-Nexus phones with Android Marshmallow. mehr
Many pundits have long-predicted continued consolidation in the IaaS cloud computing market throughout 2015 and into next year too. mehr
I cover litigation between firms and governments and I’ve been involved in a few dustups myself. As we approach the holidays, I figured it would be fun to… mehr
If you’ve been holding off on getting a new iPhone 6s, this weekend might be your time to buy. mehr
Blackberry CEO John Chen hopes that what happens in Vegas won't stay in Vegas. mehr
The average number of connected devices in the home is expected to grow to eight this year, which can strain home networks. The most common concerns: Slow… mehr
Sony is hoping to take new battery chemistry out of the lab and into actual smartphones within the next five years. mehr
Es muss nicht immer Apple sein: Zwar führt der iPad-Hersteller mit dem Smart Case, Smart Cover und nicht zuletzt dem nicht für deutsche Schreiber erhältlichen… mehr
Early next year, Apple is bringing Apple Pay to China, which means the mobile payment service is poised to take off in a big, big way. mehr
You might may get to vote on what Android N stands for. mehr
Die Digitalisierung hat längst auch die Landwirtschaft erfasst. "Präzisionslandwirtschaft" ist das Gebot der Stunde: Die Betriebe haben die Chance,… mehr
VLC, one of the best free programs for local media playback, now runs on Chromebooks and Chromeboxes. Users can download it now from the Chrome Web Store. mehr
Viele Unternehmen sehen die Vorteile von Windows 10 und beschäftigen sich mit einer Migration. Doch knifflige Datenschutzeinstellungen, die Integration mit der… mehr
Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud has long made it possible to partition off a hunk of AWS with a private network of its own, complete with a VPN connection… mehr
The music industry just won a major victory over an American Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the fallout could result in more draconian punishments meted… mehr
The past year brought big changes to the core software applications and tools that companies use every day, and some of those shifts promise to have a… mehr
Apple today announced it had partnered with China UnionPay, the state-run company that is the country's only bank-card issuer, to bring Apple Pay to the… mehr
A French consumer association, steamed up at the way major online game platforms prohibit the resale of games, is seeking to make an example of Valve Software,… mehr
When Mike McLaughlin joined GoDaddy in 2013 he asked a handful of peers whether they thought he could use commercial search software to help grow its domain… mehr
When I first heard the story, I didn’t believe it. I mean, really, a Paris airport forced to shut down because a computer running Windows 3.1 crashed Seriously mehr
Evernote is shutting down some of its single-use apps as it tries to turn the company’s fortunes around. mehr
Wein genießen, ohne die Flasche zu öffnen? Bier innerhalb von drei Minuten kühlen? Wodkaflaschen per iOS-App mit Nachrichten versehen? Mit diesen neuen Gadgets… mehr
In tech circles, few topics have been generating more buzz of late than the Internet of Things (IoT), the projected surge of smart, networked devices that… mehr
Windows Phone 8.1 users looking forward to an upgrade to Windows 10 in December are going to be disappointed. After company representatives said in October… mehr
Lange angekündigt, nun konkret: Rainer Janßen verabschiedet sich nach 19 Jahren von der Munich Re und tritt im Juli 2016 in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand. Sein… mehr
If you’re a podcast fan, you have many ways to listen to your favorite shows. You can download them to iTunes and listen to them on your Mac. You can sync them… mehr
Kostenlose Programme gibt es in Hülle und Fülle. Doch welche Tools sind so gut, dass sie als echte Software-Perlen bezeichnet werden können? Wir sortieren… mehr
Apple CEO Tim Cook staunchly defended personal privacy and the use of encryption on iPhones amidst renewed concerns about terrorists hiding covert electronic… mehr
Adding user-generated content (UGC), such as ratings and reviews, to your website can enhance not only your search engine ranking, it can build trust between… mehr
Juniper Networks is warning customers to patch their NetScreen enterprise firewalls against spyware that enables attackers to take over the machines and… mehr
With virtual reality’s big consumer launch mere months away, the field of “hot new peripherals” is expanding rapidly. Case in point: Last week I strapped on… mehr
Microsoft yesterday expanded its partnership with one of China's largest defense and technology conglomerates as it announced a joint venture to get… mehr
The ability of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to capture Live Photos is nothing short of magic. Live Photos are not GIFs nor video, but still JPEG images that… mehr
Kids love toys and video games alike—so why not bring them together into one harmonious, entertaining, and totally commercial experience It was that bright… mehr
Want to know which of your workers aren’t working much, which ones are planning to leave soon and/or might also be planning to steal some proprietary data on… mehr
Imagine holding two iPad Air 2 tablets in your hands, side by side. If you could combine them into one tablet, you’d likely be more productive, right mehr
Mesmerizing. That’s what it’s like to watch the cascading bubbles in a glass of freshly poured beer carbonated with nitrogen in addition to the far more common… mehr
For more than 15 years, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has been a part of the H-1B debate, calling for raising or eliminating visa caps. He… mehr