
IT-Entscheider berichten

Die IT-Strategien nach der Krise

Von Redaktion CIO

To demonstrate how to use this new process, we are seeking out case studies – external and internal – and stories gathered from our executives on value that has been gained through enterprise planning. We are also sharing hard data gained from our pilot in the corporate function, such as the benefits of consolidating enterprise training systems. This project saved a relatively small amount of money, but it demonstrates the efficiencies that will be magnified once everyone is planning and executing in this manner.

Kevin M. Kelly CIO, BuzzBack Market Research: "Prioritize Savings Reinvestment."
Kevin M. Kelly CIO, BuzzBack Market Research: "Prioritize Savings Reinvestment."

The business was in a kind of project paralysis when I got here, with no way to prioritize or operationalize the ideas coming out of the new-product development groups. At the same time, like most, our focus was on cutting costs and finding efficiencies. I created a matrix to allow for discussion, evaluation and prioritization of our project portfolio, and started fresh with all of our IT outsourcing contracts by asking for new bids and signing new deals. With this more competitive cost structure, we saved almost 75 percent on what we had been spending, and brought projects to successful completion. We reinvested that money back into IT by creating a new business analyst staff position, a role that has proven to be critical to project success.

With those resources, IT was also able to help create new market research tools, tweak our existing ones and bring them all to production faster than before. These tools are the core of our business, and as the economy picks up and companies seek advice on evaluating their markets, we are coming out far stronger than before due to the reinvestments we have made.

We are also looking closely at cloud computing, which seems like a natural fit – while our surveys must be available 24/7, they don’t use a constant level of bandwidth. We don’t yet know what advantages could be realized in a shared environment, but we now have the resources to find out.

Business-Vokabular zu diesem Artikel

Kein anderer Bereich ist so durchsetzt mit englischen Vokabeln wie die IT. Aber sprechen IT-ler wirklich gutes Englisch? Meist fehlen die alltäglichen Gebrauchswörter zwischen dem Fachvokabular. Aus diesem Grund präsentieren wir Ihnen in jedem Heft einen englischsprachigen Artikel und übersetzen die Wörter, die nicht täglich in der IT gebraucht werden.

to drive out - vertreiben

upside - Vorteil

marginal - gering

no matter - ganz gleich …

multiyear - mehrjährig

huge - gewaltig

confidence - Vertrauen

to purchase sth. - etw. beschaffen

mind-set - Denkrichtung

to evaluate sth. - etw. auswerten

dashboard - Kennzahlentafel für die Geschäftsleitung

to gain - erhalten

magnified - vergrößert

to execute - anwenden

paralysis - Lähmung

operationalize - operationalisieren

bid - Angebot

completion - Abschluss

staff position - Posten

to tweak - optimieren

survey - Befragung

CIO-COUNCIL - Das internationale Netzwerk

CIOs wie James Burdiss, Denise Coyne und Kevin M. Kelly diskutieren ihre Ideen im CIO Executive Council. Dieser fördert den Erfahrungsaustausch von IT-Verantwortlichen. Mehr als 500 CIOs sind bereits Mitglied. IT-Anbieter sind in dem gebührenpflichtigen Netzwerk nicht zugelassen.

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