Google+ 7.5 update gets transparent about failed posts and squashes a colony of bugs

The Google+ factory has been very busy of late, with numerous tweaks to improve the Android app’s speed and performance.

Update 7.5 focuses on a batch of bug fixes and a helpful tool to remind you should a post fail to go live. You can touch the notification and try to send it off again if something goes awry, where before it would just be lost to the abyss. Googler Luke Wroblewski detailed many of changes in a Google+ post.

He offered a very clear changelog of everything new:

That final change is a continuation of work begun in version 7.3 which sped up Web page load times by using Chrome custom tabs: 

You can wait for the update to roll out through the Google Play Store or grab it now from APK Mirror.

The impact on you: Google recently revamped its social network to focus on communities around shared topics. It’s actually very useful if you want to engage with others over a common interest and form a discussion group. While Google has backed off of trying to take over its whole product suite with Google+, the company clearly thinks that it still has a role to play.


Derek Walter

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