Michelin drives big data strategy with Microstrategy analytics


The tool allow the company to view information such as time and data of tweet, geo-location, number of tweets, what industry influencers are discussing, and monitor positive or negative keywords being used in relation to the company.

"For example, this can show that a certain time is better for sending a particular tweet as part of a marketing campaign."

There are now plans to incorporate other feeds, such as Facebook, and integrate the R programming language into Microstrategy to create more robust algorithms to enable customer sentiment analysis.

"We were looking at whether words were positive or negative, but if you are doing only that and you see Michelin near a word that is good or bad, it does not mean the whole sentence is good or bad," he said.

"We are starting to look at sentiment analysis, and are trying to build a more advanced algorithm. For that we need to use R, which is a very complex language, and then we will see the results in Microstrategy."


Matthew Finnegan

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