Intel’s plans to discontinue its Atom chips for phones and some tablets may not have killed the dream of a Microsoft Surface phone—just the piece of it that… mehr
Im Februar war Martin Schallbruch in den einstweiligen Ruhestand versetzt worden. Jetzt wird er stellvertretender Direktor des Digital Society Institute der… mehr
Petcube is an interactive pet camera that lets you watch, talk to and play with your pets from your smartphone when you’re away from home. mehr
For medical diagnostic equipment maker Alere, master data management was the key to unlocking its digital transformation."In hindsight, we carried our… mehr
With a regular list price of $2,099, this 38% off deal puts the JS7000 at just $1,297.99. Enjoy an exceptional home theater experience with the Samsung JS7000… mehr
High-tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has launched an open-source training "gym" for artificial-intelligence programmers. mehr
The White House today released a report by the Defense, Justice and Homeland Security Departments on ways to spur the development of smart-gun technology,… mehr
With the weekend almost here, you’re bound to spend some serious time with Google Maps. Thankfully there are some new features to try out that might make any… mehr
Can you feel that It's the end of April, fast approaching. Soon we'll be basking in E3 leaks and rumors and this fall's game lineup. But for… mehr
This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter’s… mehr
Apps like IFTTT (If This Then That) connect services in logical ways: texting your spouse, for example, when you leave work. Microsoft has created a… mehr
The BlackBerry Priv is a pretty solid phone, especially if you long for the days of a physical keyboard. It’s even more compelling now that it’s next in line… mehr
Amazon hat am gestrigen Donnerstag nicht nur glänzende Geschäftszahlen für das erste Quartal vorgelegt. Das Unternehmen hat auch eindrucksvoll seine Dominanz… mehr
Microsoft on Thursday began blocking rival browsers and search providers from using Windows 10's Cortana search box, the operating system's prime… mehr
"Data scientist" has already been declared this year's hottest job, and now a new report offers several more reasons to consider it as a career. mehr
Wer Mobile beherrscht, ist gewappnet für die technologischen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts, meint Mark Wächter. Sein Grundlagenbuch "Mobile… mehr
The fourth-generation Apple TV is much more powerful and capable than previous versions, with thousands of apps you can download from the App Store. mehr
Apple Mac computers come in a dazzling range of sizes, speeds and prices. Almost all Macs are brilliant computers, but some (like the Mac Pro) offer extreme… mehr
Until two weeks ago Ashleigh Axios was the creative director at the White House. It's a job that spans the online presence of the historic building, its… mehr
Google Now and the company’s Inbox app already do a pretty good job when it comes to collecting and organizing all those pesky travel details. mehr
Carl Icahn ist berüchtigt für seine Art, sich bei Unternehmen einzukaufen und dann seinen Willen beim Management durchzusetzen. Bei Apple stieg der Milliardär… mehr
Die folgende Auswahl von Apps sollte auf keinem Android-Smartphone als Grundausstattung fehlen. Zwar besitzen Android-Smartphones viele nützliche Features… mehr
It's all very well telling people to back up. But human nature means that searching for backup advice is something that usually happens after the worst… mehr
Die diesjährige Hannover Messe Industrie steht ganz im Zeichen von IoT und Industrie 4.0 und Smart Factory. Das Aufeinandertreffen von IT und… mehr
Television stations have volunteered to sell off 126MHz of "beach front" wireless spectrum to mobile carriers in an ongoing U.S. Federal… mehr
Der bisherige stellvertretende IT-Leiter Michael Homburg steigt zum Geschäftsbereichsleiter IT/Organisation bei der Einkaufsgenossenschaft auf. mehr
Wer im Ausland telefoniert, zahlt ab Samstag weniger. Im nächsten Jahr werden dann Zusatzgebühren für Handytarife in der EU ganz abgeschafft. Doch es gibt… mehr
Google Play is now warning users when apps contain in-app advertising. mehr
With HP announcing a line of slick-looking Chromebook laptops, Google may be closing the door on the Chromebook Pixel—at least for now. mehr
Laut Gartner werden diejenigen Service Provider vom Markt verschwinden, denen das Entwickeln einer bimodalen Roadmap nicht gelingt. mehr
Cloud providers hosting blockchain secure transactions technology should take additional steps to protect the records, IBM says. mehr
SAN FRANCISCO —Samsung yesterday closed out its fourth annual developer conference. Coders and other attendees packed up their gear and left the City by the… mehr
Last week I discussed 15 ways to not get fired from your dream job and I actually got a decent amount of thank you email. One email, however, got me thinking.… mehr
Attackers are aggressively pushing a new file-encrypting ransomware program called CryptXXX by compromising websites, the latest victim being U.S. toy maker… mehr
Jelly’s back—but does it have a winning formula this time mehr
Facebook and Twitter, the pioneers of social media, aren't even in the same league anymore. The two companies' performance and outlook could not be… mehr
Unternehmenskultur ist für die mentale Verankerung des digitalen Wandels unerlässlich. Bei Führungskräften steht sie in Sachen Human Resources ganz oben auf… mehr
Automated software assistants, or chatbots, are moving into the mainstream, helping you more efficiently order tacos, manage human resources tasks and generate… mehr
Firmen gleichen künftig nicht mehr Walfischen, sondern Korallenriffen. Laut dem Zukunftsinstitut müssen Führungskräfte lernen, Kontrolle und Verantwortung… mehr
A peculiar thing happens in northern Florida every year in the springtime. That's harvest season on the many fern farms scattered across the region, and… mehr
As I sat on my couch writing the review of Apple’s new MacBook, my dog decided he wanted to sit next to me. To make his way to the couch, he did a short leap… mehr
Online entertainment listings company Rovi plans to acquire digital video recording firm TiVo for US$1.1 billion in a stock and cash deal, the companies said… mehr
Google's efforts to police the Android app store -- Google Play -- are far from perfect, with malicious apps routinely slipping through its review… mehr
Facebook's Messenger app has allowed users to send money to friends using their debit cards since last spring, but recent reports indicate that Facebook… mehr
Microsoft is tightening control over Cortana. Only its Microsoft Edge browser and Bing search engine will work with searches initiated through Windows 10… mehr
Want to get more out of Excel At Microsoft's inaugural Data Insights Summit last month, several experts offered a slew of suggestions for getting the… mehr
Sometimes, the best intentions just don't work out. mehr
Your computer has been infected by ransomware. All those files -- personal documents, images, videos, and audio files -- are locked up and out of your reach. mehr
Unlike most malware, ransomware is not stealthy. It's loud and obnoxious, and if you've been infected, the attackers will tell you so in no… mehr