Kosten sparen durch Open Source

Desktop Revolution: Office Software and Groupware under the TCO-X-ray


Open Source programs also offer large savings potentials for Groupware servers. Open Source Groupware is up to 83% less costly than proprietary solutions. The greatest cost advantages arise for medium to large enterprises embracing new products like Open-Exchange or OpenGroupware.

Every business and every administration must carry out a detailed, individual TCO analysis for its organization. Prior to deciding in favor of a switch over to Open Source products or any other alternatives to Microsoft, every enterprise must carry out some alternatives to Microsoft, every enterprise must carry out some internal analyses of their databases and their migration objectives. The SOREON model is intended to serve as a guideline and help to determine relevant cost categories.

Open Source software for the desktop and office area will spread en masse in enterprises and administrations. Many software manufacturers will open their software to the Open Source model and try to tap into new sources of revenues from services - just as Sun and Novell have already done.

Open Source software and proprietary software converge on software networks. Open Source must become more professional and further adapt itself to the proprietary model. At the same time, manufacturers of proprietary software can benefit from the advantages offered by Open Source by opening up their software: Lower development costs, unassisted marketing and new sources of revenues through services.

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