Offshore Outsourcing

Geosourcing gives IS a global supply chain


2 Choose your partners judiciously

Geosourcing offers more organizational and locational options than domestic sourcing. Each option has different benefits, management overhead costs and risks.

3 Prepare carefully and start smartly

Migrating to geosourcing, and then managing the relationship, present greater management challenges than domestic sourcing because geosourcing puts pressure on your processes and your culture - and introduces new risks.

4 Anticipate backlash

The economics of geosourcing are too compelling to ignore, but the shift from domestic sourcing to geosourcing can be painful - in the short term and the long. If you have decided that geosourcing is right for you, take steps to reduce the negative consequences.

5 Assess your readiness

Some geosourcing is inevitable. Your IS suppliers may do this on your behalf and keep it transparent for you. But the extent and speed of transition are still uncertain. Success depends on your readiness.

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