Getting a Grip on CRM
It cant be run like an IT project, cautions Mark Sauter. EnterpriseResource Planning can be run like an IT project, because fundamentallypeople have no choice but to use ERP to get their business done. WithCRM, people have to believe in the benefits CRM will bring to thecompany.
That, he adds, means the leadership of CRM projects needs to come fromthe business side. IT needs to be involved, but if CRM is purely an ITinitiative it is probably doomed to failure.
The multi-functional team that drove CreoScitexs CRM project broughttogether both IT and operations people. SaskTel involvedrepresentatives from such areas as sales, sales support, marketing andhuman resources, as well as systems. Two executives one from thetechnical side, one from the business side lead BMO Financials CRMeffort.
When we got to the actual system design phase, says Sommerville, weprobably had about 70 employees who touched that design in some way,shape or form. Even then, you still dont get it right. After you gointo production you still have to keep improving it.
Innovapost is a joint venture set up by Canada Post Corporation andthe Montreal based consulting firm CGI Group Inc. to provide IS/ITservices to the Canada Post Group of Companies. The consulting firmAccenture recently became a shareholder as well. Part of Innovapostsjob is to aid in the development of new CRM initiatives at thosecompanies.