

Patch and Pray

Von Scott Berinato

Tim Rice, network systems analyst at Duke University, was one of the unlucky ones. "If you just jump in and apply patches, you get nailed," he says. "Patching is a learned art. You can set up six different systems the same way, apply the same patch to each, and get one system behaving differently."

Raleigh Burns, security administrator at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, agrees. "Executives think this stuff has a Mickey Mouse GUI, but even chintzy patches are complicated."

The conventional wisdom is that when you implement a patch, you improve things. But Wynn isn't convinced. "We've all applied patches that put us out of service. Plenty of patches actually create more problems--they just shift you from one vulnerability cycle to another," he says. "It's still consumer beware."

Yet for many who haven't dealt directly with patches, there's a sense that patches are simply click-and-fix. In reality, they're often patch-and-pray. At the very least, they require testing. Some financial institutions, says Shawn Hernan, team leader for vulnerability handling in the CERT Coordination Center at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), mandate six weeks of regression testing before a patch goes live. Third-party vendors often take months after a patch is released to certify that it won't break their applications.

All of which makes the post-outbreak admonishing to "Patch more vigilantly" farcical and, probably to some, offensive. It's the complexity and fragility, not some inherent laziness or sloppy management, that explains why Slammer could wreak such havoc 185 days after Microsoft released a patch for it.

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