Samsung Cameras: Liquid-Formed, Dual-Screened, Wi-Fi-Connected
The company's announcements today at CES 2010 expand on the more interesting items that it offered last year, namely dual-screen cameras, wireless connectivity options, AMOLED displays, gesture-controlled touchscreen interfaces, stylish looks, and radical design elements.
The First Hydroformed Camera Bodies
Two brand-new models, the Samsung CL80 and the Samsung TL240, have near-unibody designs created by the hydroforming process, which uses liquid pressure during manufacturing to shape the frame and create smooth contours.
Samsung claims that the two cameras are the first consumer electronics to be made through hydroforming techniques; the process has been used in the past to manufacture car parts and bike frames.
Both cameras have a few more-subtle features, as well. The back of each camera is slightly tilted, as are the shutter buttons. Samsung says that these slight angles serve a dual purpose: for comfort, and to assist with high-angle self-portraits and group shots.