Snapchat is being sued for exposing minors to sexually offensive content on the Discover feature it offers in tandem with media partners. mehr
Google has acquired Anvato, the developer of a video software platform, to shore up its cloud offering in the area of video delivery. mehr
The encryption methods used to secure today’s Internet communications won’t be impenetrable forever. More powerful “quantum computers” on the horizon could… mehr
Britain's vote to exit the European Union will depress global IT spending this year, as companies cut back spending over uncertainty about what the… mehr
Europas größtem Softwarekonzern SAP droht im zweiten Quartal wegen des Brexit erneut eine negative Überraschung. mehr
A Romanian hacker's claim that he broke into Hillary Clinton's private email server in 2013 was a lie, according to the FBI. mehr
Along with macOS Sierra, Apple has unleashed iOS 10 onto the public. mehr
The world’s largest social network today announced that it will launch OpenCellular, a mobile infrastructure platform designed to lower barriers to entry for… mehr
A data breach that hit Wendy's fast food restaurants was more than three times bigger than originally disclosed and exposed customer credit card data. mehr
Take one major trend spanning the business and technology worlds, add countless vendors and consultants hoping to cash in, and what do you get A whole lot of… mehr
Less than a month after its unveiling at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in June, macOS Sierra arrived today for beta testers who have signed up… mehr
Facebook has taken another step toward trying to bring connectivity to people around the world. mehr
Apple today released the first public preview of macOS Sierra, this year's upgrade to the operating system formerly known as OS X. mehr
The $200 Radeon RX 480 is a wonderful graphics card that launched with a troubling problem: It draws an excessive amount of power through your motherboard’s… mehr
Von allen Bereichen der IT, in denen die Experten fehlen, ist Security der am stärksten nachgefragte. Massenhaft offene Stellen, sehr gute Jobaussichten für… mehr
Das chinesische Schadprogramm "HummingBad" hat laut Checkpoint inzwischen auch mehrere zehntausende Android-Geräte in Deutschland befallen. Den… mehr
Managing clouds can be a challenge given that virtual machines and storage are running in two different environments simultaneously. A crowded industry of… mehr
Ausgezeichnete ITK-Arbeitgeber lassen sich viel einfallen, um Arbeitsumgebung und Unternehmenskultur so zu gestalten, dass sich die Mitarbeiter wohlfühlen. Mit… mehr
Microsoft released Windows Insider Build 14383 of Windows 10 for desktop PCs and phones on Thursday, saying it's beginning to check in final code for the… mehr
Apple’s public beta program is designed to get a larger pool of people testing the new operating system—more users, more devices, more edge cases, and… mehr
Das Ideal der Produktion ist ein Zusammenspiel von Fertigung, Planung und Verwaltung. Wie sich Brüche vermeiden lassen, thematisiert ein Webinar der… mehr
Google Now offers an excellent weather card with great design and a cute, happy little frog. Now it delivers even better data, with new graphs that illustrate… mehr
Statt die ständigen Phishing-Mails zu ignorieren, hat ein Security-Experte den Spieß umgedreht und sich auf das schmutzige Spiel eingelassen. Mit Erfolg: Am… mehr
After several days of Curiosity being in safety mode, NASA engineers have resumed communication with their Mars rover. mehr
So far today is shaping up to be software Christmas. First Apple dropped the public beta of macOS Sierra, which was exciting enough. But don’t let your iPhone… mehr
Researchers are adding bugs to experimental software code in order to ultimately wind up with programs that have fewer vulnerabilities. mehr
Tesla Motors has responded to a magazine article that questioned the all-electric carmaker's ethics in handling the aftermath of the first recorded fatal… mehr
Non-profit One Education has an ambitious plan in a competitive PC market: to sell Windows 10 tablets and laptops inspired by the innovative spirit of One… mehr
The iPad Pro is a productivity powerhouse—or at least, that’s what Apple wants it to be. The 12.9-inch Pro was released last November, and the 9.7-inch model… mehr
Die Hauptstadt hat einen neuen Inkubator. CUBE bringt Industrie und Startups zusammen, zu den Protagonisten gehören VW und sein CIO Martin Hofmann. mehr
Neue IT-Chef der Asklepios Kliniken wird im Oktober Henning Schneider. Sein bisheriger Posten beim UKE Hamburg wird zunächst interimistisch besetzt. mehr
Get ready for the Nexus Watch line. mehr
We’re just two developer beta releases into iOS 10, and Apple is already pushing a prerelease version of its next-generation iPhone software into the wilds of… mehr
Microsoft just reached a major milestone for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) on the Xbox One, releasing the first-ever UWP app for the console. mehr
If you want to get your hands on the next version of the Mac operating system, now’s your chance. Apple on Thursday is releasing the public beta of macOS… mehr
Mozilla has a new plan to battle the increasing dominance that companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter have over the web. Firefox's maker says… mehr
A loose definition of 'devops' - short for development and operations - is a cultural shift that brings together previously siloed teams under one… mehr
One of the cornerstones of a successful business, especially a multichannel or online business, is trust. If consumers don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you… mehr
When Turtle Rock teased an Evolve announcement for today, I assumed it was a set-up for Evolve II. Call me cynical, but that’s often how the industry works… mehr
Researchers have identified a new Mac backdoor program that's designed to steal credentials stored in the OS-encrypted keychain and give attackers… mehr
Microsoft COO Kevin Turner is leaving after 11 years in the role. He won't be replaced. mehr
Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her, da haben Smartphones das Verständnis im Umgang mit der Technik auf den Kopf gestellt. Mittlerweile nehmen die Mini-Computer… mehr
Nearly a month after Microsoft's blockbuster bid to buy LinkedIn, another reason why the companies joined forces has become more apparent: effective… mehr
A recently discovered vulnerability in a D-Link network camera that allows attackers to remotely take over the device also exists in more than 120 other D-Link… mehr
Everyone has a bad day at work now and then, but when those bad days start to outnumber the good ones, it’s time to consider looking for a new job. As the… mehr
Twitter took its first swing at streaming live sports this week, but the company didn't do much to differentiate its stream experience from others.… mehr
Nvidia’s more modestly priced graphics cards often roll out months after the more luxurious GeForce models. Look at the last generation: The GeForce GTX 960 … mehr
Antivirus vendor Avast Software has agreed to buy rival AVG Technologies for US$1.3 billion in cash. mehr
The cost of paying for fraudulent credit card transactions, previously covered by the credit card companies, shifted to the retailers themselves last October… mehr
This week, Gordon Mah Ung, Melissa Riofrio, and Jon Phillips discuss the hottest tech news including: mehr
“I am calling you from Windows.” mehr
It is always easier to destroy than it is to build, easier to harm than to heal. It will always be easier for attackers to burrow themselves into the criminal… mehr
The San Francisco Bay Area added 120,500 tech jobs in the last five years, for a growth rate of 61.5% percent. Major U.S. cities, generally, all saw… mehr