

GM Proves E-Business Matters

Derek Slater schreibt für unsere US-Schwesterpublikation CSO Online.

GM's key e-business projects divide into two categories: Consumer anddealer links concerned with selling cars, and supplier links concernedwith designing and manufacturing cars. By interconnecting more closelywith those constituencies, GM aims to drive costs and time out of thevalue chain - all the way from vehicle design to post-sale care and,crucially, the demand as well.

For consumers and dealers: onlinesales strike a chord among consumers in Brazil; U.S. dealersflock to web-based auctions.
General Motors Acceptance Corp. (GMAC)BuyPower. GMAC is GM's finance arm. BuyPower is aconsumer website that provides data on all GM models. Userscan get details on the cost of options, such as tintedwindows, and save such information in a personalizedfolder. The site also points potential buyers to nearby GMdealers, indicating the cars those dealers currently have ininventory. Since September 2001, BuyPower has delivered anaverage of more than 2,000 leads to dealers perday. According to data from J.D. Power and Associates, 20percent of dealer leads generated through BuyPower convertinto sales. That compares with slightly less than 13 percentof leads generated through the top independent site,

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