iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending July 4
iPhone 6 mockups: you can trust them
A Japanese website posted a confusing (at least confusing in the GoogleGoogle Translate English version) story that is being widely interpreted in the iOSphere as, somehow, confirming that the various iPhone 6 mockups for the rumored 4.7-inch model actually do give a "rough idea" of the final product. Alles zu Google auf CIO.de
That would seem to be a logical impossibility since to know whether a mockup was even a rough copy of the final product, you would have to know what the final product actually looked like. And, of course, we don't.
Our Google translation of the Nikkei.com original Japanese post renders the headline as: "iPhone6 is 'thin, round' validate the model made in China."
The headline at GForGames, one of the first to pick this up, interprets this as "iPhone 6 Mockups Found To Give A 'Rough Idea' Of The Final Product." Mihai Matei reassures his readers: "Well, Nikkei's sources have recently shed more light on the matter, and informed us that the mockups can indeed give a rough idea of the final product."