iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending July 4


If Dickson actually has these objects he could test it himself. Or at least ask his source, who presumably has the glass panels, to test them, even if all either of them did was to rub it with a chunk of concrete. That test potentially would reveal at least one breakthrough feature.

iPhone 6 internal parts reveal for the first time that phone has internal parts

BGR's Zach Epstein is certainly impressed, and showed it with a blaring headline: "New leak shows internal iPhone 6 parts for the first time."

"Apple fan blog Apple.club.tw found three images on imgur.com on Tuesday that supposedly show two internal components from one of Apple's upcoming next-generation iPhones," Epstein writes. "The first is a cable that holds the volume and mute buttons and connects them to the iPhone's main board, and the second is a separate flex cable that appears to hold the iPhone 6's power button."

None of the links to the Apple.club.tw site currently take you to that page. The Chinese portion of the URL translates as: "First exposure iPhone6 [power] switch and volume cable." The three photos, if they are photos, posted on the image-sharing site Imagur are labeled simply as "iPhone6 parts."

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