A U.S. senator plans to introduce legislation that would delay the end of the bulk collection of phone metadata by the National Security Agency to Jan. 31,… mehr
Cisco is working to build the confidence of prospective customers in its products, two years after disclosures of spying by the U.S. National Security Agency… mehr
Citrix Systems has decided to spin off its GoTo collaboration products business into a new company, to focus on its core business in the secure delivery of… mehr
One of the leading manufacturers of consumer drones is loosening the control it has over whether the craft can take off in restricted areas, such as near… mehr
Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the latest partner to work with Intel on the Internet of Things, announcing it will develop products for computing at the edges… mehr
Das Internet-Radio Pandora könnte künftig eine viel größere Rolle im Musik-Geschäft spielen. Die bisher nur in den USA aktive Firma filettiert den… mehr
Den großen Städten der Welt könnte bei anhaltendem Wachstum schon bald der Verkehrskollaps drohen. Audi stellte nun an konkreten Projekten neue Lösungen für… mehr
Today's vast data volumes have spawned a variety of new database contenders, each with particular strengths and features to recommend them. Splice Machine… mehr
Google isn't done with its attempts at running a social network. On Tuesday, the company gave Google+ a redesign focused on people getting together around… mehr
Public clouds will be the next big spot for some enterprises to store data, and EMC wants to help them get there through its arrays. mehr
Drone safety experts are considering a rating system for drones that would show what a particular craft could do and where it would be appropriate to fly it. mehr
The Blackhole exploit kit has made a surprising reappearance two years after cybercriminals stopped using it, according to security vendor Malwarebytes. mehr
An Egyptian company that launched North Korea's first 3G cellular network and attracted as many as 3 million subscribers has revealed that it lost control… mehr
For a while it was hard to get your hands on an ARM server, but that may not be the case soon. mehr
Microsoft last week fulfilled a promise made in May to give businesses the tools to delay Windows 10 feature upgrades for up to a year after consumers begin… mehr
China behauptet sich im Ranking der schnellsten Supercomputer der Welt weiterhin mit deutlichem Abstand an der Spitze. Aber auch Deutschland ist unter den Top… mehr
Daimler AG announced that it is cobbling together used lithium-ion batteries from electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles to create massive power storage systems… mehr
French defense contractor Thales Communications & Security wants to take the smart watch back to its "Dick Tracy" origins with an app for… mehr
In der IT steht die Personalentwicklung vor ihrer bislang größten Herausforderung. Um die Veränderungskraft disruptiver Technologien nutzen zu können, gilt es… mehr
SDN start-up Plexxi this week unveiled products designed to ease the construction of private clouds. mehr
During its testimony on security weaknesses among federal agencies this week, the Government Accountability Office detailed a number of critical elements that… mehr
Your grandfather was right: there really is no such thing as a free lunch. mehr
Vor fünf Jahren kochte in Deutschland die Stimmung gegen den Panorama-Dienst Google Street View hoch. 244000 Haushalte ließen Gebäude verpixeln. Die Aufregung… mehr
The head of Google's experimental Wing drone delivery project says he wants the service to launch quickly and is working with the government on trials… mehr
Google wants you to talk to its search app like it’s just another human. mehr
Making containers enterprise-ready has been a theme at this week's DockerCon EU conference in Barcelona, and on Tuesday Docker itself launched a new tool… mehr
Innovation is the cornerstone for sustained business success, and given how much innovation relies on technology these days, IT has to play a vital role in… mehr
Microsoft is putting a lot of effort and money into building a holistic security platform that combines the attack protection, detection and response features… mehr
20 Prozent Provision des freiberuflichen Stundensatzes an den Vermittler abzutreten waren dem IT-Freelancer Stefan Vogt zuviel. So entschied sich der IT-Profi… mehr
Die Bundesregierung will den digitalen Wandel in Deutschland auf guten Weg bringen. Drängende Fragen werden auf dem 9. Nationalen IT-Gipfel in Berlin… mehr
Google’s video store is getting a new home on LG's smart TVs. mehr
Microsoft on Tuesday unveiled tools that protect not only cloud-based workloads in the company's Azure IaaS public cloud, but those on customers’ premises… mehr
Der Internetdienstleister United Internet hat dank vieler Neukunden und Zukäufen einen weiteren Sprung nach vorne gemacht. mehr
Der Medienkonzern des US-Milliardärs John Malone, Liberty Global, will durch einen milliardenschweren Zukauf den lateinamerikanischen Markt erobern. mehr
You’d probably expect the padlock to be the last thing to go high tech, but an Australian company has done just that. Mobile accessory maker Dog & Bone… mehr
Können Flüchtlinge – insbesondere aus Syrien – den Fachkräftemangel in der deutschen IT abmildern? Daten dazu gibt es kaum, aber einzelne Erfahrungen. Drei… mehr
The cloud has seen massive rates of adoption among IT professionals this year, and it will spread even deeper into entrenched industries over the next 16… mehr
SeeSo, an ad-free comedy streaming service from NBC, appears to be right on schedule with a free beta coming December 3. mehr
Tasker is one of the more powerful apps in the Play Store, offering you limitless customization for how you use your device. mehr
Vizio, the company best known for its bang-for-buck TVs, is these days in the news for all the wrong reasons owing to some truly troubling data collection… mehr
Apple Pay’s march to ubiquity is going to be a slow and steady one, if Apple’s current rollout strategy is any indication. The company brought its mobile… mehr
Bei dem Gesundheitskonzern läuft der weltweite Rollout von Office 365 als Workplace. Stefan Eder, Director of Infrastructure Services, zieht eine… mehr
Most of the time, a dot update to mature software is no big whoop—even if it involves minor changes to an interface or workflow. But occasionally, what… mehr
Apple touts the iPad Pro as a productivity tool, so it’s important that the tablet has a high-performing display. And for the most part, that’s true, according… mehr
HP and Movado are targeting the dumber end of the smartwatch spectrum with the Bold Motion watch. mehr
Die meisten SAP-Systeme enthalten Millionen selbst geschrieben Code-Zeilen. Doch darin lauern etliche Sichherheitsrisiken, wie der ABAP-Quality-Benchmark… mehr
If you want Apple’s Pencil, which is designed to work with its new iPad Pro, you have three options: mehr
Music lovers are finding themselves on hard times. Specialty home audio stores are becoming an endangered species. Big-box stores are allocating less and less… mehr
Companies' haphazard processes for managing administrative or other privileged accounts are putting them at risk of security breaches, according to a new… mehr
Windows and Ubuntu Linux are no longer the only two PC flavors you can plug into the back of your PC—now there’s Chrome OS as well. Asus and Google are… mehr
This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter’s… mehr
Der Händler für Heimtierbedarf bekommt mit Benjamin Beinroth einen neuen IT-Chef. Er kommt vom Einzelhändler Tegut und löst bei Fressnapf Roland Vorderwülbecke… mehr
A partnership announced by Dell on Tuesday shows how cybersecurity defenses are evolving, which could have wide-ranging effects on vendors like Symantec,… mehr
Prosoft’s Data Rescue programs have been among the go-to applications for data recovery. If you had a hard drive you needed data from, and it was in… mehr
Nvidia is staying in the tablet market after being hit with a recall of its Shield Tablet, relaunching the device under a new name and at a lower price. mehr
More and more businesses are outsourcing their customer service to third-party contact centers. But before you hire someone else to handle your customer… mehr
I’ve largely come to terms with Star Wars Battlefront. Gone through the seven stages of grief and come out on the other side, so to speak. No, it’s not much… mehr
Cisco this week enhanced its network operating system software to boost the performance of cloud applications and reduce operational costs. mehr
Whenever a new gadget is released, we tech writers have to figure out how to take screenshots of the device. It is important that we are able to show readers… mehr
Microsoft has not advertised the fact, but anyone with a copy of Windows 10 Pro can postpone upgrades and defer updates using the Windows Update for Business… mehr
Following a quiet summer, Facebook ramped up activity this fall, rolling out a handful of new features and product redesigns. mehr
As a company, OnePlus is a bit frustrating to follow. It’s manage to produce two outstanding Android phones in the last two years, but it’s still a gamble… mehr
New iPhones, new Apple TV, and new iPad Pro. If you happen to love anything and everything “designed in Cupertino, California,” then you have plenty of new… mehr
Technology that’s easy at home can become a burden on the road—whether it’s too big, too heavy, or helpless when you’re away from a speedy Internet… mehr
While Getting Things Done might be a proven method for maximizing organization and efficiency, you don’t need to adopt a whole new philosophy just to get your… mehr
Electromagnetic Pulse are back in the news as potential threats to the U.S. and other nations as the U.S. and China have announced significant progress in… mehr
More companies are turning to social media as a way to communicate with their customers, and Hootsuite is working with Microsoft to make that even easier… mehr
Arista Networks this week expanded its data center interconnect offerings with products designed to enable the interconnection of cloud networks. mehr