Browser company Opera Software has received an acquisition offer for about US$1.2 billion from a Chinese consortium consisting of Internet companies Beijing… mehr
The U.S. federal transport safety regulator is coming around to the view that rules could be updated so that computers in autonomous cars can be considered as… mehr
Immer mehr Menschen setzen auf Gesundheits-Apps und Wearables. Manche Krankenkassen locken mit Vorteilen, doch Verbraucherschützer schlagen Alarm. Wird der… mehr
US-Präsident Barack Obama will die Mittel zur Verbesserung der Cybersicherheit deutlich aufstocken. Das Weiße Haus kündigte am Dienstag einen Plan an, nach dem… mehr
Google-Chef Sundar Pichai bekommt ein üppiges Aktiengeschenk: über 270000 zusätzliche Anteilsscheine im aktuellen Wert von 199 Millionen Dollar. mehr
Heinz Nixdorf gehört zu den großen Innovatoren der deutschen Wirtschaft. Der "ideenreiche Tüftler", wie er im Munzinger Archiv beschrieben wird,… mehr
Nach zwei Wochen Winterschlussverkauf ziehen die Einzelhändler eine durchwachsene Bilanz. mehr
Kaspersky Lab has linked a single group to a long-known campaign of cyberattacks that appears to be aimed at extorting corporate victims. mehr
Unter dem Motto "Play your part for a better internet" ruft die EU-Kommission am 9. Februar zum Safer Internet Day 2016 auf. Ein Schwerpunktthema in… mehr
Die Beschäftigtenzahl in der deutschen ITK-Branche wird im laufenden Jahr deutlich über der Millionen-Grenze liegen. 20.000 zusätzliche Stellen sollen 2016 neu… mehr
President Barack Obama's administration has proposed a 1.3% increase in IT spending next fiscal year, raising the government's total IT budget to… mehr
Google has just hammered another nail in the coffin for Flash, Adobe Systems' multimedia software widely criticized for its frequent security… mehr
FBI Director James Comey again implored tech companies on Tuesday to comply with court orders to reveal encrypted communications that law enforcement considers… mehr
The world's largest solar power plant, now live in Morocco, will eventually provide 1.1 million people with power and cut carbon emissions by 760,000 tons… mehr
The winners in a broadband industry heavily shaped by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 celebrated publicly this week, as February 8 marked the 20-year… mehr
Portugal's OutSystems is aiming to use a new infusion of capital to strengthen its position in the U.S. market and develop technology for machine learning… mehr
In response to mounting cyber attacks on federal networks, President Barack Obama is seeking $19 billion for cybersecurity, more than a 35% increase over last… mehr
The computing industry’s betting big on the coming virtual reality revolution, but pushing headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive out to the masses isn’t… mehr
The U.S. Navy is getting a helping hand from university researchers in its efforts to create a robot that can fight fires onboard its ships. mehr
Vendors in the cloud computing market hype up the revenues they earn from this emerging technology, making it difficult for customers to truly judge the… mehr
A Seattle law firm considering a class action suit against Apple wants iPhone users whose devices have been crippled by "Error 53" to contact their… mehr
Paving the path for the upcoming Angular 2 JavaScript framework, developers of the popular technology have released version 1.5.0, which improves the process… mehr
Samsung sees the popular Raspberry Pi board as a way for a potentially large number of enthusiasts to develop products with Tizen OS. mehr
In the past year, the market for smartphone-integrated head-units has matured. A head-unit upgrade can bring the increased safety and convenience found in… mehr
Was your iPhone a victim of “Error 53” You may meet the requirements to join a new class-action lawsuit against Apple. mehr
Twitter is reaching out for help to curb abuse and harassment on its social network. mehr
Robots, cars and virtual-reality headsets will turn heads at Mobile World Congress later this month, but the real star of these shows will be the still-nascent… mehr
Your next cruise down the highway may be more enjoyable if you have Amazon’s Audible app and Android Auto. mehr
Lange Jahre arbeitete Michael Ruplitsch als CIO bei Austrian Airlines. Nach einem Zwischenstopp bei KPMG kehrt er nun zurück in die Luftfahrt. mehr
Enterprise mobility is often a tug-of-war between freedom-seeking employees and security-minded IT departments, but VMware aims to make those differences go… mehr
Although vendor-written, this contributed piece does not advocate a position that is particular to the author’s employer and has been edited and approved by… mehr
Google has reversed course on the recent banishment of an ad-blocking plugin from the Play Store. mehr
Year-in and year-out, Intel always touts the power-savings it achieves with new processor families. Skylake is more efficient than Broadwell; Broadwell was… mehr
The popular password manager 1Password just got a big update that will make it play nicely with Android’s latest features. mehr
Were you so impressed by LG’s OLED TV Super Bowl ad that you‘ve decided to go out and buy one right now If so, you’d better have $8000 handy. mehr
Projektmitarbeiter beschreiben aus ihren Erfahrungen heraus die fünf wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für eine IT-Architektur der zwei Geschwindigkeiten. mehr
The fourth-gen Apple TV’s App Store is a game-changer, but searching for and installing apps is one of the most irritating experiences I've ever had on… mehr
Google has a pair of new security features that will warn users in cases when they should be cautious about revealing sensitive information over email. mehr
Blu-ray is finally playing catch-up to streaming video with the launch of the first 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray players. mehr
Riesen-Überraschung: Der bisherige CIO des Geschäftsbereichs Lufthansa Passage, der zur Münchener Rück gehen wollte, bleibt nun doch - als CIO aller… mehr
Intel's Itanium has an uncertain future, but Hewlett Packard Enterprise is committed to an upcoming chip, code-named Kittson, that is the next step in the… mehr
Social media managers, and anyone else who juggles more than one Instagram account, are celebrating the small pleasure this week of now being able to switch… mehr
Immer weniger Führungskräfte sind mobil, zeigt eine Studie. Viele wollen nicht für die Karriere umziehen. Auch die Bereitschaft, für den Job auf Familienleben… mehr
It didn’t come in January as predicted, but MSI’s GT72S G Tobii-805 Gaming Laptop with Tobii Eye Tracking is now available exclusively at Newegg. mehr
A cross-platform remote access Trojan that's being openly sold as a service to all types of attackers, from opportunistic cybercriminals to cyberespionage… mehr
CBS did a better job streaming the Super Bowl than rival networks in previous years, and it has the viewership numbers to show it. mehr
When last we left Dying Light [SERIOUSLY, SPOILERS], bland-everyman-hero-guy Kyle Crane had leaped across hundreds of rooftops, hacked apart thousands of… mehr
IT-Fachkräfte gehören in diesem Jahr zu den Gewinnern beim Gehaltswachstum. Laut einer aktuellen Prognose der Vergütungsberatung Compensation Partner soll ihr… mehr
If you're looking into buying servers from Hewlett Packard Enterprise, don't let a new naming convention throw you off. mehr
Many CIOs talk enthusiastically about aligning IT with the business strategy, a challenge that shifts with market demands and the CEO's priorities. The… mehr
Erst große Pläne, dann großes Scheitern. Oder? Selbstverständlich können Projektverantwortliche die Erfolgschancen deutlich erhöhen, wenn sie in der Planung… mehr
February is American Heart Month, so there’s no better time to make sure you’re doing great when it comes to overall cardiovascular health. mehr
Amazon Web Services is handing PC and console game developers new tools to encourage them to use its cloud services for their back-end server infrastructure. mehr
Security threats from peer to peer (p2p) communication are nothing new, but they are becoming more sophisticated. From ransomware and botnets, these threats… mehr
What happens when you take a network-attached storage (NAS) box and marry it to the Android OS You get a device that’s capable of holding up to 20TB of… mehr
Google has moved to a beta release of its Android Studio 2.0 IDE, which updates several capabilities since the preview was offered more than two months ago. mehr
President Barack Obama on Tuesday will propose a sharp increase in cybersecurity spending for next year's budget, to improve outdated government software… mehr