Humans versus machines: Who will be employed in future
"Humans are good at relationships; machines... are not nearly as good. We [humans] can collaborate and work together. So this is where deep expertise is -- that we must work with other people, collaborate with other people.
"Third piece, which is distinctively human and keeps us miles ahead of the machines, is creativity. The ability to do magic, pull together things that we read or things we dreamed or conversations we've had into something that is new."
However, it's not only having deep, world-class expertise in one domain, Dawson said. The future is going to require people to find complementary disciplines that when combined with their current knowledge create more value for companies.
"Clearly you can't be a world class expert in 20 domains, but you can say there are two complementary domains. Deakin University recently released a master's in business and data analytics. These two complementary skill sets is where we can create value."