Quest Diagnostics

Marktkenntnis intravenös

Von Mary Hall Gregg
Ein besseres Verständnis vom Gesundheitsmarkt zu bekommen gehört nicht zu den Dingen, die sie nur am Rand beschäftigen, sagt Mary Hall Gregg, CIO beim amerikanischen Medizindienstleister Quest Diagnostics.
Mary Hall Gregg, CIO, Quest Diagnostics: "IT is more than an enabler of business efficiency. It provides a competitive advantage. But only if we align IT strategies with growth."
Mary Hall Gregg, CIO, Quest Diagnostics: "IT is more than an enabler of business efficiency. It provides a competitive advantage. But only if we align IT strategies with growth."

A broad and deep understanding of your business, your market and your customers enables you to identify the products and services that will create sustained value for your customers and sustained competitive advantage for your company. Such understanding, along with knowledge of technology trends, is essential to aligning IT and business strategies to drive growth.

As a healthcare company, we provide services to multiple customers including physicians, hospitals, health plans, employers, insurers and pharmaceutical companies - and of course patients, who are at the center of everything we do. Because we work with all of these constituents, we have a 360-degree view of the health care market and its trends. Seventy percent of healthcare decisions involve laboratory test information, so laboratories such as Quest Diagnostics are at the center of many healthcare IT initiatives. We spend a lot of time with our business partners and customers understanding their needs and how technology can have the most positive impact.

From Market Needs to value-added IT

Here are some examples of how we have used our understanding of customer needs and market drivers to deliver value-added IT services:

We recognized that on-line services could make it easier for large segments of our patient and physician customers to do business with us, and so we identified and developed several new Internet-based services. For instance, thousands of patients visit our Patient Service Centers (PSC) to have blood drawn for tests. We know that a key factor in creating a positive patient experience is to minimize a patient’s wait time in the PSC. So we implemented an on-line appointment scheduling service. A patient can quickly identify PSC locations that are convenient, schedule an appointment, and retrieve driving directions. According to our surveys, patients love the convenience of the on-line service, which puts them in control of their busy day.

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